For me the fellowship started out with a two-day onboarding meeting, where I not only got to know the other inters, but the start-up culture and its most important aspects. We talked about our previous experiences and what we thought could be learnt from them. Also we expressed what we expected from the fellowship, such as what we could learn, how we would fit in the start-up culture, and what we could do to ensure that we got the most out of it.
Being able to go to the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Central Europe where Nanushka was showing their SS18 collection, was very exciting as before, in the office I saw how Szandi and others chose what they would show and in what order.
For me it is strange and interesting to experience what an open office is like, in contrast to where there are separate little offices. This way I can be a part of the daily bustle, since all the departments are here, from production, through marketing, to sales. In case it gets a bit too loud, like when there are three dogs in the office, who think it is a playground, everyone is welcome to use their headphones to block it out. It is good not to worry about whether you will be punctual every day, as people do not have to be at work for a strict time, like from 9 to 5.
I have also started to learn more about new phenomena in the business world, which have interesting consequences in marketing. One such thing was the concept of Digitally Native Vertical Brands, which basically means that a brand starts out online. It doesn’t have a brick and mortar shop, its targeted customers are younger and it has an e-commerce channel. One of its main distinctions is that they are very focused on their customers’ experience and try to connect with them much more, therefore getting more data and gaining a better understanding of them. It is noteworthy that while these brands always start out online, they don’t necessarily stay digital-only.
It was also nice to see the other interns for a dinner, where we talked about who did what. People who were part of the fellowship previously also came and told us about their experiences. It was a fun evening, especially when I realised that I went to the same high school with one of the other fellows.
It was also very exciting to see how the brand handled it, when one of its products got picked up by influencers abroad, and in part thanks to this, the product sold out. The people and departments had to work together to see what could be done, and in the end to make the decision to produce said product again.