As I have already written startups call marketing employees as growth hackers. I also work for PublishDrive in this position and below I would like to present how my everyday life goes by and on what projects I have worked so far and am working now.
PublishDrive is engaged in global distribution of electronic books. In Hungary use of e-books is still in its infancy but abroad, for example in America, half of the population reads books in digital form. While working in the book industry we may think it is a rather boring and slightly insensible industry but this is not the case at all. Owing to the distribution of e-readers and other devices and to the increase in the number of publishers dealing with more and more digital contents, book trade is going through huge transformation globally and the industry is getting modernized so it is an exciting task full of challenges from day to day to work in this field also to me.
I am lucky because a new project was just started when I was hired. We requested an online marketing and SEO agency to enhance the success of the site and to generate leads so since October we have continuously carried out content production and search engine optimization. Our content production represents mostly writing of blog articles for which we have provided for keyword research and will define the selected themes based on such research. In addition I worked also on another minor project together with an external company aimed at website development and web design transformation. As a contact person I was responsible for revising the content of the site, conceiving new ideas and participating in their implementation.
Owing to the external projects I have learned how we can work together, how to establish relations efficiently and how to keep the deadlines as well as how important role constructive communication plays in business world.
Apart from the above everyday life is made colourful usually by social media management, e-mail marketing, PR campaigns, web design and other marketing tasks.
When I conceived to myself in the beginning of my practice what I expect of this work one of the most important things was that it should need creativity since, if so, every day conceals a new challenge and it is not easy to get tired of it. Here in PublishDrive I feel I could find this since each task needs creativity and independent working so I as a trainee feel from the beginning that I perform a responsible work. And what is the best I can see the result of all this and so I can contribute to the success of PublishDrive.