Bridge Budapest Association is a non-governmental organisation that operates from corporate and private donations. We believe that by catalysing a value-based business culture, we make our environment more competitive and lovable. In a turbulent world, it is imperative to see what we value. The stake today is whether we can set even more examples in the future of building a value-driven company. In the future. We ask for your support for this.

In Bridge Budapest Association we are working to enable being a proud business player in this country. For success through performance and knowledge. We look for and bring together companies and corporate communities who see the world alike. The more well-run companies that operate consciously in the long run, the more successful and the better our country’s well-being will be. We support and develop these actors, organise events and trainings for them, and provide them with communication support. Through the following programs:

  • With our Conscious Business Culture initiative, we are building a community of value-based and long-term-thinking business players.
  • Our Edisonplatform connects parents, companies who think responsibly about the labor market of the future, and the most innovative skills development initiatives outside the education system, 236 initiatives from more than 300 cities.
  • With EdisonKids, we connect generations and encourage them to work together to come up with innovative solutions.

If the mission we are working on is important to you, we thank you for supporting our work and operations.

Bridge Budapest is Committed to Ethical Fundraising therefore a member of the Self-regulation Body of Fundraising Organizations and a member of the coalition of Ethical Fundraiser Organizations.

Support Us By Donating

On this page you donate for our Association by credit card. If you need a tax certificate please contact us through our Contact page or by writing to [email protected] email address.