Bridge Budapest Association is a non-governmental organisation that operates from corporate and private donations. We believe that by catalysing a value-based business culture, we make our environment more competitive and lovable. In a turbulent world, it is imperative to see what we value. The stake today is whether we can set even more examples in the future of building a value-driven company. In the future. We ask for your support for this.
In Bridge Budapest Association we are working to enable being a proud business player in this country. For success through performance and knowledge. We look for and bring together companies and corporate communities who see the world alike. The more well-run companies that operate consciously in the long run, the more successful and the better our country’s well-being will be. We support and develop these actors, organise events and trainings for them, and provide them with communication support. Through the following programs:
If the mission we are working on is important to you, we thank you for supporting our work and operations.
Bridge Budapest is Committed to Ethical Fundraising therefore a member of the Self-regulation Body of Fundraising Organizations and a member of the coalition of Ethical Fundraiser Organizations.