József Dániel Farkas

József Dániel Farkas

fellow of Bridge Budapest, Be-novative, Budapest, 2016

József Dániel Farkas

fellow of Bridge Budapest, Be-novative, Budapest, 2016

My adventure – I.e. what brought me to Bridge Budapest and Be-novative? :)

The fact that I participated in the Fellowship programme of Bridge Budapest and that I have chosen Be-novative is the result of a series of events and decisions. I think that most of the people who are interested in Bridge Budapest, startups and businesses will identify with my dilemma; if not, then you will at least get an image of what kind of people with what kind of life experience apply for this programme.

Az én kalandom – Azaz mi minden vezetett el engem a Bridge Budapesthez és a Be-novativehez? :)

Hogy részt vettem a Bridge Budapest Fellowship programjában, illetve, hogy a Be-novative-et választottam, sok előzmény és döntés sorozat eredménye. Szerintem a nagy része azoknak, akik érdeklődnek a Bridge Budapest és a startupok, vállalkozások iránt, tud majd azonosulni dilemmáimmal, de ha nem, legalább kaptok egy képet, hogy többek közt milyen élettapasztalattal rendelkező emberek is jelentkeznek erre a programra.

From Corporate to Startup – Process Execution vs. Process Creation

Staying with the topic of my previous post, a small and a large company are different not only in terms of the number of colleagues but also the type of tasks and processes as well. During my studies at the university, I worked six months at a company of European scale and also six months at a global corporation, therefore I can use my personal experience to compare the types of tasks and processes at a multinational company and at a startup—without aiming to be exhaustive.

From Corporate to Startup – Big Team vs. Small Team

I would not say that I have made such a great career at multinational companies so far; during my university studies, however, I worked for more than six months at a large company which is active in the whole of Europe. This was here in Hungary, and also more than six months at a global company, but that was abroad.