The Bridge Budapest scholarship was certainly one of the most inspiring part of my life. The whole thing started with a completely insignificant step. I submitted my application to the Bridge Budapest fellowship. Of course it took a couple of hours to put everything together, but what does it matter now? Specially compared to what I got in return. A month spent at one of the most successful Hungarian startup companies, Prezi. I’ve been in the US for two months, but the most important lesson can be summarized in four words: It is worth trying. We must seize the moment, find the opportunities and live with it.
A couple of days ago I’ve visited the famous Las Vegas. The city taught me a valuable lesson about the power of mobile applications.
At least this is what the sign suggest on the windows of Marks meeting room. The CEO of Facebook has his meetings at the center of the Facebook headquarter in a cozy meeting room with glass walls.
I remember, a couple of month back, I was checking my watch every ten seconds while I was begging for the metro to come. I was late from work, yet again. As an intern I had to prepare the documents for the morning meeting and hand it to the General Manager.